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Top 10 famous scientists and their inventions:

1. Albert Einstein

2. Sir Issac Newton

3.  Galileo Galilei

4. Marie curie


6. Nikola Tesla

7.Charles Darwin

8.Thomas Alva Edison  

9. Michael Faraday

10. Louis pasteur


inventions and contribution:

1. Albert Einstein-->theory of relativity,lasers,paper towel,etc.

2. Sir Issac Newton-->Newton's law of gravitation,Newton's telescope,etc.

3.  Galileo Galilei-->discovered callisto,europa,rings of saturn,etc

4. Marie curie-->discovered radium and polonium.

5.Aristotle-->classified living beings,founder of zoology,etc

6. Nikola Tesla-->tesla coil,remote control,induction motor, etc

7.Charles Darwin-->theory of evolution by natural selection

8.Thomas Alva Edison-->light bulb,phonography,movie camera,etc.  

9. Michael Faraday-->faraday cage, toy balloon,bicycle dynamo,etc.

10. Louis pasteur-->pasterization

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